Sunday, July 23, 2006


I've been inspired by Sage (hi Sage) to post a blog for people to read. I'm going to try to share the experience of Toronto with everyone, and maybe get a little camera and start posting pictures, as well.

We survived the drive (13 hours) and the moving of boxes & stuff OK. My cat seems to be settling into his new home pretty well-
he's staying with our friend Aya because Jim & Anna's nanny is allergic... [explanation: we're house-sitting for the summer for Jim & Anna, whom I've never met- thanks Jim and Anna! - who Capella knows through Jim's brother Andy, who went to McGill with us a few years ago. Jim's also a rockstar.] Tony and Andy (hi guys) helped us get most of our junk into the truck (thank you!) and Shay packed up our kitchen for us (thanks Shay!). Gabe and Leah stopped by later in the evening and gave us packing tape when we ran out, so we could get those last boxes of random stuff taped up (thanks, Gabe and Leah!). Many very nice people, who I was meeting for the first time, helped us get all of our stuff into the basement, and the weather was perfect. We'll be taking them all out for beers at some later date.

On Friday we drove the truck down to Buffalo to save some money, and had lunch there with Capella's old friend Antoine who plays in the Buffalo Phil (hi Antoine). He picked us up at the truck depot and drove us around on a little tour of town. It seems like a pretty neat city, & like parts of it aren't that different from when my father lived there many, many, many years ago (hi Dad!) I'd like to go down again before the end of summer, and see Niagara Falls, as well. We had planned on going to see it when we returned the truck, but got lost & ran out of time...

I should go out and explore the city, but it just started raining, so I think I'll go sit on the couch & read- they have no TV. Damn Canadians.

1 comment:

Hungry Like the said...


I just got back into the country last night, and got your message about helping to pack up the truck. I was all set to call you today and find out where to be to get my packing on, but, alas, you've already flown the coop. I'm excited to read your blog as you discover what comes next for you guys. I hope to hear from you soon.
