Monday, May 07, 2007

Photo update

Some recent goings on that have been photo-documented:

Niagara Falls. On ice...

Nicola Tesla. The man invented just about everything. Anything you think Edison invented, Tesla thought up first. I'm rubbing his toe for good luck.

You might not be able to tell, but I'm way too stressed out about having to play Strauss the next day without a chance to look at the part beforehand that I can't even smile normally for a picture. Capella, on the other hand...

About a week and half after we drove to Niagara Falls I had a recital at school. Went fine, I guess, but the main thing I was looking forward to was the excuse to have a party at our house after and use our chocolate fondue fountain. Our friend Shay gave it to us for a wedding present. At first I thought it was a pretty silly present, but then I realized it's the coolest idea ever. (Thanks, Shay!). Here's me waiting for the chocolate to flow over the top and fountain-ize (sorry that the picture's sideways):

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm very glad you eventually saw the genius of my present. ;)